Analisa Perhitungan Beban Pendingin Ruangan Di Komplek Glamour Mansion Tanjung Morawa Mengunakan Aplikasi Cooling Load Daikin
Suhu temperatur, Pengkondisian Udara, Beban Pendingin RuanganAbstract
Air conditioning for residential comfort is important for human life for the early days of the changing weather climate that affects the temperature of the air temperature in residential dwellings. The air conditioning system is one of the business actions in the form of maintaining the temperature level in the room from the low level of the ambient temperature around it by absorbing heat from the material or room. The air conditioning load is also carried out to determine the AC capacity needed. Research conducted by the Glamour Mansion Tanjung Morawa Housing Complex using the method used to calculate cooling capacity based on GA (General Arrangement) which includes several parameters, namely the number of people, number of windows, room volume, equipment, and heat from lights. So that the calculation of Heat Calculation, Air Capacity, and Cooling Capacity in a complex is obtained. From the results of the study it is known that the AC cooling load for the Glamour Mansion Tanjung Morawa Complex is the living room 1482 BTU / h, Room I 1953 BTU / h, Room II 800 BTU / h. 1 AC with a capacity of ½ PK in the room. 1 AC with a capacity of ½ PK in each room
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Copyright (c) 2023 Budi Dharma, Armansyah Parinduri, Sri Rafiqoh, Marnida Yusfiani, Ayu Diana, Jasman Wanfaber Parningotan Saragih, Muchsin Harahap
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Publisher Lembaga Riset Ilmiah
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